1/3 Harvton st, Stafford, 4053

Hours Of Operation
Monday to Friday: 9AM - 5PM


Risk Assessment Service

Terrorists have plotted attacks in Australia in the past and it is expected that more will occur. This service focuses on assessing the risk of terrorism in crowded places, such as stadiums, shopping centres, pedestrian malls and major events.

Terrorism Threat Level: Probable

Australian National Security has declared that Australia’s terrorism threat level is probable. A threat level of probable means credible intelligence, assessed by their security agencies, indicates that individuals or groups have developed both the intent and capability to conduct a terrorist attack in Australia.

Crowded areas are especially vulnerable to attack because of their nature, including open areas, accessibility and possibility for mass casualties.

Congested areas

Congested areas are often targeted for several reasons, including:

  • Large crowds or highly concentrated groups of people provide the possibility for mass casualties.
  • The unpredictable nature of attacks can have a forceful psychological impact, especially on those people who often frequent similar types of crowded areas.
  • Congested areas are generally open and accessible, reducing the need for complex attack planning.
  • Some crowded places have significant symbolic value, such as symbolic representations of countries, governments and cultures.
  • Attacks on crowded areas can cause considerable disturbance to the surrounding businesses and infrastructure (such as transportation networks), thereby increasing the likelihood of long-term financial damage.
  • A large crowd of people provides more witnesses which elevates the resonance of the attack. Social media can quickly spread reports of attacks, such as through images and videos.
  • Attacks on a large, crowded area can affect many people who regularly visit or pass by the area.
  • Attacks on crowded areas can generate memorable global media coverage.

The objective of this service is to protect the lives of people who work, use, and visit crowded places by making them more resilient. This is achieved by conducting risk assessment audits by industry experts.

Why this service is needed

Reduce costs and resources

Security measures can be resource intensive, costly and, if not correctly managed and communicated, can alienate staff and the public and significantly disrupt the day-to-day operations of a crowded place. Therefore expert specialist advice is essential and why careful consideration and planning is required before implementing any protective security measures.

Maintaining reputation

The success of governments and businesses rests on building and maintaining a reliable professional reputation. Reputation is prone to serious and permanent damage if owners and operators of crowded places give a less than robust, responsible professional priority to protecting people against attack. Reputational damage can have a significant impact on a business’ finances. Being security minded and better prepared could not only deter an attack, it reassures customers and staff that those responsible for crowded places are taking security issues seriously.

Security incident recovery

Recovery from a terrorist attack is the process of rebuilding, restoring and rehabilitating affected individuals, communities, and physical assets. This process usually begins once an incident has been resolved. The plan then continues until disruptions have been rectified, demands on services have returned to normal levels, and the needs of those affected have been met. It is designed to return a business, activity, or location to normal as quickly as possible after an incident.

What to expect

This service entails the completion of audits by an industry specialist. The consultant will manually inspect the area. Upon completion of the inspection, the consultant will provide the client with an audit report which details the risk levels of terrorism in the inspected area. Depending on the audit results, various solutions may be recommended.

The audit comprises of an extensive checklist which is broken into four sections:

  • Security Governance,
  • Physical Security,
  • Information Security, and
  • Personnel Security.

Determined actions arising from the results are stated at the end of each section.

Benefits to your organisation

  • Compliance
  • Build stronger partnerships
  • Maintain a professional reputation
  • Enable better information sharing and guidance
  • Implement effective protective security
  • Increased resilience
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